Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Pros and Cons of Tracking Devices Essay examples -- Exploratory Es

The Pros and Cons of Tracking Devices What is this world coming to? When most of us think of tracking devices they think of primarily negative issues. But that has all changed now. A tracking device the size of a tic tack that can be surgically implanted to provide a tamper proof means of identification, enhanced e-business security, locating lost or missing individuals, monitoring heart rate, vital signs, tracking of the elderly, the location of valuable property, and monitoring the medical conditions of at risk patients, all at the convenience of a button or a phone call (www.allnet). It is called the GPM or as we know it the Global Positioning Microchip. Today I will discuss the ideals of the implanted microchip and some of the technical, social, economic, ethical and practical implications of its technology. Furthermore exploring some of the benefits and dangers of such a device. Invented entirely for animals man has expanded its uses to stolen cars tracking devices, criminal rehabilitations, and experimen tal animal observations. The chip has come a long way but where will it go from here. California inventor Mike Biegal first introduced the basic prototype for the microchip used in the biochip transponder in 1979. The chips are tiny, passive electronic devices ranging in size from12 to 18mm in length and 2.0 to 3.5mm in diameter. All chips are individually inscribed and programmed to store a unique, permanent, 10-15-digit alphanumeric identification code. The GPM is coupled with an antenna and is sealed in an inert glass capsule. It is implanted into a living being using the same procedure as a routine vaccination. Immediately following implementation the tiny device remains inside the bein... ...nted. They will claim it will reduce crime, provide more convenience etc. and if you do not get the chip you will not be able to buy, sell, or trade goods and items. But in the end as in the bible it is only the beginning of the destruction of our world and all will come to pass. He causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark on their right hand or in the forehead (Revelation13: 16-18). Is this just some coincidence? I do not think so. Works Cited InGraham-Borten-L; Smith-Gerald-W, Issues in Criminology-Berkeley-Calif, 7, (2), pp35-53, copyright 1972 Toombs-Thomas-G; Criminal-Justice-Policy-Review, 7, (3-4), pp. 341-346 copyright 1995

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